Senior Pastor
Min Gun Ahn
Raised as a pastor’s son, Pastor Joseph Min Ahn recommitted his life to Jesus in his college years and has pursued his love for Christ ever since. Spurred by his desire to save souls, he served in the Navigators planting campus ministries across the U.S. before he planted White Harvest Evangelical Church in 2004 and pioneered the In Christ Alone campus ministry in 2006.
Blessed with an apostolic gifting, he has planted campus ministries in America and overseas, holding onto the vision of seeing spiritual generations multiplying faithful and teachable followers of Christ. Pastor Min has a passion for training, equipping, and mobilizing young lifetime laborers for God’s Kingdom and has a heart to see Jesus’ gospel of salvation and grace reach all nations. He graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from USC, and with a Master of Divinity from Fuller Seminary. A former gymnast in high school, he also loves fixing electronics, playing guitar, and writing music.
Resource Pastor
John Greer
Pastor John Greer was raised in a Christian home and committed his life to Christ as a freshmen in college at Western Kentucky University. He has served the Navigators Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM) and the Korean Navigators. He also founded Living Peace Community Church and Christianity at Work – a ministry committed to living out the call of discipleship within the context of the workplace (
Pastor John graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Western Kentucky University in Electrical Engineering Technology and pursued graduate studies at both the University of Massachusetts (UMASS-Lowell) and USC. He graduated from Fuller Seminary with a Master of Divinity. John enjoys playing soccer and writing. He lives with his family in Long Beach, California.

Resource Pastor
Johnny Lee
Pastor Johnny Lee studied at Rutgers University and served with Korean Campus Fellowship for several years after he graduated. During this time he met Pastor Min and helped lead our ministry's Summer Training Programs on the east coast, and led several short-term missions teams to China, Korea, and Mongolia.
Since then, he has served as a church planter, missionary, pastor, and worship leader and has ministered extensively in East Asia and Africa. Currently, Pastor Johnny pastors our church's sister church in Irvine and also leads the 3rd Wave Music ministry, dedicated to making worship and praise music for the glory of God in Asia. In his free time, he enjoys fishing and writing music. He and his wife Livy live in Garden Grove.
Campus Missionary
Danny Furuyama
The Lord revealed Himself to Danny Furuyama at a summer church camp in middle school. In high school, God gave Him a motto that changed the direction of his life, "God is not concerned about your ability, but your availability." From that point, Danny has been in the process of being available to God and His leading.
Danny Furuyama attended University of California, Los Angeles and studied electrical engineering. He joined a Christian fellowship group called the Navigators and served on staff for three years. In 2003, Danny and two others pioneered a chapter at UC Berkeley and he continued to serve there for twelve years. Danny has also led several teams on overseas mission trips. In 2015, Danny started a new chapter at Rutgers University and serves as the youth pastor at Graceway Presbyterian Church. He is married to Akemi and has two sons named Isaiah and Micah. Danny also enjoys sports, board games, cooking, photography, and movies.

Campus Missionary
Ed Oyama
Ed committed his life to Christ in his college years at UCLA, and continued on to help pioneer the USC In Christ Alone fellowship as a volunteer staff-in-training in 2004. Concurrently, he and the staff team helped plant White Harvest that year.
He recently returned to California from over a decade of overseas missionary service in 2019 and planted the Cal State Long Beach collegiate ministry. Ed and his wife Becky live in the South Bay with their two little girls, Elise and Lydia. He enjoys music, scripture memory, and working on websites, like this one!