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Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Obedience (Part I)

Obeying God in Our Battles!
The Faith of Moses
Tests of Faith (Abraham)
How Can We Learn from Jacob?
A Biblical Love Story – Isaac and Rebekhah
Submission to God’s Sovereignty
It is by Faith We Are Righteous!
Jesus-How He Provides Miraculously!
Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost!
God is Doing Something New!
Who is a Faithful Disciple?
Waiting For the Holy Spirit: Spirit-Filled Communities (Part IV)!
Waiting For the Holy Spirit: Spirit-Filled Individuals (Part III)!
Waiting for the Holy Spirit (Part II)!
Waiting for the Holy Spirit (Part I)!
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Post-Resurrection Love (Part II)!
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Post-Resurrection Love (Part I)!
Prayers for Resurrection for the People of God
The Meaning of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ
In Power, in the Holy Spirit, and with Deep Conviction!
God’s Call, Gifts, and the Equipping of the Saints!
Conformed to the Image of God: Christ’s Suffering
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Obedience (Part II)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Obedience (Part I)
Conformed to Image of God: Christ’s Perseverance
How God Calls His “Prophets!” (Part II)
How God Calls His “Prophets!” (Part I)
Divine Encounters
Second Hope for 2021: Put God First
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Excellence
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Self-Emptying (Kenosis) (Part II)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Self-Emptying (Kenosis)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Compassion (Part II)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Compassion (Part I)
The Saving Work of God in Christ
They Will be Called “Oaks of Righteousness” (Part III)
They Will be Called “Oaks of Righteousness” (Part II)
They Will be Called “Oaks of Righteousness” (Part I)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Zeal (Part III)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Zeal (Part II)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Zeal (Part I)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Servanthood (Part II)
Conformed to the Image of Christ: Christ’s Servanthood (Part I)
So that You May Not Sin (Part II)
So That You May Not Sin (Part I)
The Importance of Faithful Men
Jehovah Mekoddishkem: The Lord who Sanctifies! (Part II)
Jehovah Mekoddishkem: The Lord who Sanctifies! (Part I)
Jehovah Sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts!
Jehovah Uzi: The Lord is my Strength, my Salvation!
Jehovah Shammah- The Lord is There (Part II)
Jehovah Shammah – The Lord is There
Jehovah Shalom- The Lord is Our Peace (Part II)
Jehovah Shalom- The Lord is Our Peace (Part I)
Enter Through the Narrow Gate
Jehovah Rohi – The Lord is My Shepherd
Tithes and Offerings
Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord is My Righteousness (Part II)
Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord is My Righteousness (Part I)
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord Who Heals (Part II)
The Meaning of Pentecost
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord Who Heals
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord is My Banner
Christ’s Call to the White Harvest
The Sovereign God Who Calls Us
God Supports and Delights in the Wholehearted
Because Christ is Risen, pt. 2
Because Christ is Risen, pt. 1
Living in Light of Christ’s Imminent Coming