August 8th

Pray the names and attributes of God: God is Jehovah-Shalom (the God of peace)
Praise the Lord, whose peace surpasses understanding and sustains us through all things. Praise and thank Him for making peace with us through the cross and giving us His peace to guard our hearts and minds in Christ.

Pray our church values: Strong in grace
Pray that we would be strong in God’s grace – that we would experience and enjoy His grace in every part of our life, study, and work. Pray that His grace would refresh and renew us, empower and embolden us, especially as we learn and live out Christ’s humility.

Pray the Word: Turkey ministry
Please pray that through all the brokenness that comes from many different relationships, including family relationships, would be brought to the Lord as a true sacrifice to Him. Pray that here would be sober recognition of sins and sinful responses and that His grace would usher people into divine healing.

“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise” (Psalm 51:17).